Education and Human Development

Professional development

Finding and applying for jobs

Resources for finding and applying for jobs including information about staffing agencies and recruiters and how to prioritize self-care while job searching.

Starting your first degree-driven position

Starting Your First Degree-Driven Job: A Guide for Interns & Graduates. Learn how to build workplace identity, dress appropriately, plan for day one, and succeed in your first 90 days

Livable wage resources

Use these resources to determine the income you need to support yourself and your family financially in Minnesota or other U.S. states.

Informational interviews

An informational interview is a meeting with an experienced professional focused on gathering information about a career or job you are interested in, and/or learning more about a particular career field.

Work references

If you make it far enough in the interview process, an employer will check your references. Your job references are people you ask to endorse the skills and qualifications on your resume and cover letter. You can't control what your references say about you. You do, however, have the ability to select who you want as a reference.

Making connections

This page will help manage your networking skills to support your career planning as a CEHD student and graduate. It provides practical networking tips like how to introduce yourself and how to follow up with contacts.

Social capital

Social capital recognizes the value of the relationships you build throughout your personal and career life. These connections are valuable not only for the opportunities they offer but also for the support and guidance they provide along the way.

Job interviews

Navigating the job market involves understanding that different types of employers have distinct processes for recruiting, evaluating and hiring new employees. Whether you're applying to a large corporation, a small startup, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency, knowing how they hire can help you tailor your job search strategy and increase your chances of success.

Job search strategies

You will have several jobs in your lifetime. Some jobs might be just for the paycheck. Other jobs are an important part of your career journey. Landing a great internship is also important to your career journey. Either way, the search process starts before you click that first “apply” button.