Education and Human Development

Ah Vang-Lo

  • Program Specialist

  • Office Hours

    For appointments, call 612-625-0772 or schedule online.

Ah Vang-Lo

Ah has over 15 years of experience in nonprofit and higher education, with a specific focus on empowering young people of their social and cultural capital. Especially those who come from diverse and under-resourced communities. Growing up in the Twin Cities as a first-generation American-born Hmong woman with disabilities, parents who were refugees, and now mother of three young Hmong boys has strongly rooted her in her cultural and social identities.

Ah is a University of MN-TC alumna where she received her B.S. and M. Ed. in Elementary Education; ironically, however, has only ever taught in the higher ed. setting. She enjoys spending time with her three boys and husband nerding out on movies, reading sci-fi/fantasy books, traveling by way of food while laughing all the way.