Education and Human Development

International initiatives

CEHD International Initiatives is focused on deepening relationships locally and globally. In fall 2023, CEHD is home to over 300 international students, representing 65 countries. Learn more about International Student Initiatives.

This year we are partnering with TRIO Student Support Services to integrate global perspectives in its programming, working with faculty to highlight the college’s Sustainable Development Goals contribution, and bettering support services for our international students. Globally we are focused on transitioning back to field work programming and collaboration. This means listening and responding to the current needs of our global partners. We are committed to fostering meaningful relationships that intentionally work to decolonize international engagement.

College of Education and Human Development Overview

Summer 2025 Graduate Internships

CEHD International Initiatives is pleased to announce its 2025 graduate summer internship opportunities!

This year, the India project is listed as a new program for the Mary Tjosvold Graduate Fellowship, so we will have placement options in Thailand, Cambodia, India, Nepal, and Laos. CEHD will place 2 graduate students for each program. Application due is February 20, 2025.

CEHD Global Graduate Grant (G3) is now open!

CEHD Global Graduate Grant (G3) is an annual grant that offers funding up to $5,000 to one graduate student to support international research that demonstrates a commitment to global engagement. The application is due on Thursday, February 26, 2025.

Global Signature Grant is now open!

The CEHD Global Signature Grant supports program initiatives or projects that demonstrate the college’s commitment to global engagement, meaningful relationships, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Individual or group projects are considered, with priority given to projects that are interdisciplinary. The application is due on Monday, March 3, 2025.

CEHD Global Residency Program is now open!

The newly launched CEHD Global Faculty Residency Program offers the opportunity to collaborate with our international partner institutions in Kazakhstan and Vietnam. Application due is March 3, 2025.

Transform yourself and your future

Time abroad is more than just travel. Experiencing a new culture first-hand will expand and deepen how you think about the world, and yourself.  An international experience is often the single most important and rewarding activity a student engages in during their academic career.

Explore upcoming study abroad opportunities >

CEHD Visiting Scholars Program (Kazakhstan)

These programs, offered in 4 or 12 month cohorts, are designed as an effective and structured visiting scholars program that supports international scholars from Kazakhstan in building knowledge and capacity in research methods, innovative teaching approaches, and academic leadership.

These are customized programs that include intensive schedule of academic seminars and workshops, on and off campus activities, and individualized time for research planning.

Learn more about the 12 month Research, Pedagogy, and Leadership program >

Learn more about the 5 month Research and Pedagogy program >

Student and alumni stories

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Shaouna Shoaib Lodhi shares her international student experience in CEHD Shaouna Shoaib Lodhi shares her international student experience in CEHD

Shaouna Shoaib Lodhi, PhD student in STEM education in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, shares a little bit about her current experience as well as advice for prospective international students in CEHD.

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Dr. Tasneem Anwar shares their international student experience in CEHD Dr. Tasneem Anwar shares their international student experience in CEHD

Dr. Tasneem Anwar, assistant professor, Aga Khan University's Institute for Educational Development, Karachi, Pakistan, shares a little bit about their current experience as well as advice for prospective international students in CEHD.

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Program resources

    The CEHD International Student Advisory Group was formed in 2021 to support, advocate, and provide resources for international students. The advisory group actionable strategic plan for 2022/2023 is focused on student grants, faculty training, and resource development.

    Learn more about International Student Initiatives >

    Learn more about student-led group >

    Scholars from around the world join our college community each year to further their research and teaching. These scholars contribute to our internationalization efforts and support our commitment to international collaboration.

    Read profiles of our 2024-2025 scholars: 

    1. Department Scholars 
    2.  Kazakhstan Visiting Scholars 

    CEHD's global fellowships and grants support for faculty, staff, and graduate students. 

    For faculty and staff 

    For graduate students 

    Mary Tjosvold Graduate Fellowship

    The Mary Tjosvold Fellowship is one of the few study abroad programs at the University of Minnesota that provides graduate students an opportunity to engage in graduate-level professional development through community-based work in a foreign country.

    Global Graduate Grants (3Gs)

    The Graduate Global Grant (G3) is an annual grant that offers funding up to $5,000 to one graduate student to support international research that demonstrates a commitment to global engagement.

    We partner with institutions from across the globe in exchanges, teaching, and research. Check out some of our program partnerships:

    If you're interested in a partnership between your institution and CEHD, contact Marina Alexio at

    CEHD Sustainable Development Goals Initiative

    Sustainable Development Goals logo

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action by all countries. In alignment with the University, CEHD launched its own SDGs initiative.

    Learn more about the college's the SDGs Initiative.

    Office staff

    Marina Aleixo

    Marina B. Aleixo, PhD

    International Initiatives and Relations

    Lamia Shapiro

    Lamia Shapiro

    Education Abroad Coordinator

    Ainur Jumagaliyeva

    Graduate Assistant 
    Program Supervisor

    Sophea Om

    Sophea Om

    Program Support

    Zhuldyz Amankulova

    Zhuldyz Amankulova, PhD

    Post-Doctoral Associate

     Satomi Mitani

    Satomi Mitani

    Graduate Assistant

    Washington Galvao

    Washington Galvão

    Graduate Assistant