Emerge in Your Career
Emerging in your career is more than just starting a new job. Its an opportunity to develop your skills, network, and learn more about yourself, and make an impact along the way.
Job offers Job offers
Congratulations on receiving an employment offer! This is a big life decision and it is essential to evaluate the full offer package, not just the salary, to ensure it aligns with your goals, values, and needs.
Livable wage resources Livable wage resources
Use these resources to determine the income you need to support yourself and your family financially in Minnesota or other U.S. states.
Future teachers Future teachers
The College of Education and Human Development's teacher education programs will prepare you to become an expert in your field and an effective teacher.
Starting your first degree-driven position Starting your first degree-driven position
Starting Your First Degree-Driven Job: A Guide for Interns & Graduates. Learn how to build workplace identity, dress appropriately, plan for day one, and succeed in your first 90 days
Hiring processes Hiring processes
Navigating the job market involves understanding that different types of employers have distinct processes for recruiting, evaluating and hiring new employees.
International teaching opportunities FAQs International teaching opportunities FAQs
These FAQs give tips for finding and applying for teaching positions outside of the United States.