Education and Human Development


The College of Education and Human Development (CEHD) has the University of Minnesota’s most ethnically diverse student population, and the highest retention and graduation rates for all students. Our students are prepared for careers in business, education, health and wellness, and human services.

Our undergraduate and graduate students are driven, creative thinkers, fast learners, and can handle multiple priorities. They will make excellent candidates for your organization! We have several opportunities to help assist you in connecting with and recruiting our students for internships and employment.

Connect with CEHD students


CEHD and the University of Minnesota host a variety of career opportunities to help employers connect with our students.

Employer partner newsletter

Our Employer Partner Newsletter is sent out twice a semester. The newsletter provides resources and opportunities to engage with our students and alumni.

Sign up for our Employer Partner Newsletter today to regularly find out about the needs of our students.

Tabling at CEHD buildings

Having a representative from your organization with a resource table on campus is a no-cost opportunity for employers to make connections with students. Tableling is for the dissemination of career opportunities only. Staff from non-University vendors or companies are not allowed at the table for sales-related, fundraising, or commercial activities.

If you are an employer interested in tabling in a CEHD building, please complete the request form.

CEHD employer partner opportunity highlights

Looking to share job opportunities, events, and other engagement activities with CEHD students? Submit the request form to have your opportunities included on our CEHD Career Services website, and in our newsletters to undergraduate and graduate students.

Posting positions in Handshake

We encourage employers to post your positions on Handshake. Handshake is an online career network that connects students and alumni with employers who have local, nation, and international opportunities. For more information on Handshake, including how to create an account, please use this link.

For more information about recruiting at the University of Minnesota, visit

Scheduling on-campus interviews

Looking to schedule interviews with students in a central location on the Twin Cities campus? Reach out directly to our Employer Relations Coordinator, Tina Zillhart ( to reserve a room in the Bruininks Hall Interview Center. Virtual interviews can also be coordinated through Tina.

Please make requests at least seven days in advance of the on campus interview.


Our CEHD Employer Relations Coordinator, Tina Zillhart, is here to support relevant, meaningful connections among employers and students. She can guide you in engaging with CEHD students meaningfully with a focus on anti-racist practices and policies.

Employers can direct questions and connect with her at

Tina Zillhart Tina Zillhart

Education and credentials: Undergraduate degree in History and Political Science, with a Masters in Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development with a concentration in higher education.

Tina Zillhart
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