Future teachers
Congratulations on making the decision to become a teacher! Our college’s teacher education programs will prepare you to become an expert in your field and an effective teacher. Throughout your program, our career services staff will be here to help support you in your career development. From exploring the profession to preparing your resume and cover letter for the MN Education Job Fair we are here to support you!
90.0% of students reported that they had a teaching position within six months of completing the initial licensure program requirements. (Teachers who completed initial licensure in 2016/2017.)
(from 2017 Transition to Teaching Survey of 2015/16 completers, response rate 87.1%)
Explore & connect
Teaching is a versatile and dynamic career. Not only is it about teaching, it is also an opportunity to learn about yourself and explore how you want to connect with the education field. Take a look at where our teachers are going and hear from alumni to help you learn more about becoming a teacher. Get started with these questions!
- What subject do I want to teach? What are my program options to prepare me?
- Who do I want to teach? Kindergarten and elementary? Middle school? High school? Special education?
- Do I want to stay in Minnesota? Or leave the state? Do I want to teach abroad?
- What type of school do I want to teach at?
Explore teaching
- Explore teacher education programs at the U of M.
- Learn more about U.S. schools through the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- Alternative Careers in Education
- International teaching opportunities FAQs
Job listings for teachers
U of M
Handshake is the U of M's online database to connect students and alumni with employers, volunteer opportunities, and internships across the country.
- K-12JobSpot
- Minnesota Association of School Administrators Jobsite
- Minnesota Council of Nonprofits Job Board
- State of Minnesota Job Postings
- Review individual district or private school websites to find open teaching positions.
Temporary agencies
Career resources
Find a teaching position
When should I begin looking for a teaching position?
According to AppliTrack, while there are teaching positions posted throughout the year, the bulk of teaching positions are posted in April and May and continue through the summer months. You may begin to apply for teaching positions once you feel confident about your resume and cover letter, have received strong letters of recommendation - from people who can speak to your teaching ability, and can talk about your classroom experience effectively. You can use the teacher job search calendar above as a reference to help you keep track of the job search process. It may also be helpful to apply for your teaching license so you have a file number from the MN Department of Education.
Job search overview
- Strategies for teacher job searching during virtual times
- Teacher job search calendar
- Examples of technology experiences for teacher candidate resume writing
- Preparing for the teacher job search workshop
Career events
Job outlook & salary information
Minnesota Department of Education
iseek careers: Minnesota's career, education, and job resource
- Preschool teachers
- Kindergarten teachers
- Elementary teachers
- Middle school teachers
- High school teachers
- Special education teachers - Middle school
- Special education teachers - High school
Bureau of Labor and Statistics: Occupational Outlook Handbook
Most teacher candidates apply for teaching positions through online applications. Here is some information to navigate this process.
The basics
- You may begin applying for teaching positions before you have your teaching license, ut you must have your teaching license in hand before you begin teaching. It is helpful to apply for a teaching license before you begin filling out online applications. This allows you to include your MN file folder number through the Minnesota Department of Education on your online application.
- You can apply for teaching positions by exploring school district websites (to find their online application), through another job search site or other connection sources you may have made.
- Most online applications will ask you to upload a resume, cover letter, and (3) letters of recommendation electronically. It can quicken the process to have these materials ready.
- Many school districts (in Minnesota and across the U.S.) use online application systems to automate portions of the hiring process. These application systems offer the opportunity for you to complete a behavioral based screening assessment as part of the application process. The screening assessments uses behavior based questions to provide a space for you to share more information about your teaching style.
- Give yourself plenty of time to fill out online applications. Behavioral based screening assessments can take 20-40 minutes to complete. The online application can take an additional 40 minutes to complete.
- There are approximately 3 different types of behavioral based screening assessments. You will only take each behavioral based screening assessment once (per year). When you have taken a screening assessment, the results are shared with other districts you apply to that also uses the same application system. This means you will not have to fill out a behavioral assessment for each online application.
Standing out in online applications
- Take your time completing behavioral based screening assessments, they are another way for school districts to assess your skills and fit. You must take it right away. There is not an opportunity to come back later and finish the screening assessment. However, in most cases, you are able to come back and complete the rest of your online application.
- Fill out each application completely. Providing more details will help the districts understand a whole picture of who you are as a teacher.
- Use common/ well known terms within your profession throughout your online application and in your resume.
- Include accurate dates of experiences in your application.
- Be thoughtful, complete, and concise when answering essay questions. Specific examples can be used to show your skills and knowledge.
- Spell check and if possible have a reviewer read your applications. There should not be any errors
A teaching portfolio is a collection of materials that can assist you during interviews. A portfolio contains teaching artifacts and reflective pieces designed to strengthen your responses by demonstrating applied skills or talents and articulating personal teaching philosophies.
- Select work that is most reflective of your qualifications as a teacher.
- Include a table of contents and maintain an organized structure.
- Include specific samples of your teaching performance.
- Reflective components can reveal who you are as an individual. Include details on what you have done, why you did it, and how well the lesson or activity met the outcome goals.
- Be intentional about what you include and avoid the temptation to include every lesson plan or teaching activity you have ever created.
Teaching portfolio resources
Elements to include
Hard copy portfolios are often kept neatly in a three-ring binder and can be used during the interview process to support your responses.
- Table of contents
- Resume
- State certification
- Official transcript of grades
- Letters of recommendation
- Statement of teaching philosophy
- Student teacher evaluation report
- Summary/samples of pupils' evaluations of [student] teaching
- Original test and test item analysis
- Samples of lessons plans
- Learning activity packet
- Pictures of bulletin boards
- Case study of pupil
Networking & alumni information
International job search for teachers
- UNI Overseas Recruiting Fair
- GoingGlobal is for domestic and international students looking for information on the cultural nuances of the job search in various countries and cities throughout the world. It also includes information about work opportunities in the United States. (Sign into GoldPASS and click on the GoingGlobal logo.)
- Council of International Schools
- Dave's ESL Cafe
- Department of State Office of Overseas Schools
- Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
- The Educational Collaborative for International Schools
- International Schools Services
- Peace Corps
- The International Educator
- WorldTeach
Teaching English abroad
Professional associations and networking opportunities
Sample teacher interview questions
Getting to know you
- Tell us about yourself.
- If you had a co-teaching experience while student teaching, tell us about it and how it sets you apart from other candidates.
- Tell us about the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) and your experience engaging with it as part of your preparation to teach.
- What is your educational and professional preparation?
- What strengths do you have that would enhance our teaching staff?
- What would your worst critic say about you?
- What three words would others use to describe you?
- What is a unique quality specific to you?
- What research have you done about our school?
- What are your interests outside of teaching?
Teacher relationships with students
- Describe a successful experience working with a diverse population of students.
- Discuss your experience or interest working with struggling learners.
- What kind of students do you like to work with?
- What type of students could you teach most effectively?
- How do you help students experience success?
- How would you individualize instruction for students?
- How would you challenge a slow learner and an advanced learner in the same class?
- What is your experience working with special education students? English Language Learners?
- How do you keep students motivated?
- What do you think is the best approach for empowering students, rather than enabling them?
- How will you establish and foster relationships with students, especially those with challenging behaviors?
Teacher relationships with colleagues
- Describe experiences working in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in your common content courses and the benefits of collaborating with colleagues in other content areas.
- Can you give a specific example of a project where you worked collaboratively? What were the goals, challenges and outcomes?
- Give an example of something valuable you learned from a colleague.
- What kind of assistance would you most like from other staff members?
- Discuss your feelings about working in a team environment in which some items (i.e. curriculum) are agreed upon as a team, department, school, etc.
- What kind of teachers would you prefer to work with? Why?
Teacher relationships with parents
- What do you feel is the most effective way to communicate with parents? Describe how you have used these technique(s)?
- Describe the reasons who you would contact a parent.
- What would you include in your Open House presentations to parents?
Teaching techniques and pedagogy
- Briefly describe your philosophy of education.
- What is “academic language” and how will you incorporate it into your teaching?
- Describe how you would make your content culturally relevant for your students.
- Provide a specific example of how you used technology in an interactive way.
- List and describe three teaching strategies you feel most competent using.
- What are you prepared to do to address the racial achievement gap?
- How will you make your classroom a safe learning environment?
- How will you address Response to Intervention in your classroom?
- What are the most significant challenges in teaching and learning in current classrooms?
- Describe a lesson that would be very motivating to teach. What are the students doing?
- How will you implement accommodations for students with special needs?
- What is the most unique lesson you have taught in a classroom? Teaching strategy and/or pedagogy?
- Tell us about two lessons you have taught that went really well and two that did not go so well.
- Describe any innovative projects you have been involved in developing.
- What teaching methods do you use most frequently (i.e. lecturing, demonstrating, worksheets, projects, research, daily puzzles)?
- How do you decide which electives to teach, if given the option?
- Do you feel it is important to teach values and morals in school, and how would you accomplish this task?
- How would you integrate technology into the curriculum you would teach?
- How familiar are you with the state academic standards and Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) testing?
- Do you have experience with group teaching and/or subject integration, and do you think it is valuable?
- Give an example of how you have used cooperative learning in your classroom.
- What rules do you have for your classroom?
- Who should be responsible for discipline in a school? Why?
- Describe your teaching style and how you accommodate the different learning styles within your classes.
- What do you consider to be your strengths and how will you use them in your teaching?
- What methodologies do you use in your teaching?
- How would you develop an overall teaching plan for the year?
- Would you rather try new teaching strategies or try to perfect the approaches which work best for you? Explain.
- An experienced teacher offers you the following advice: “When you are teaching, be sure to command the respect of your students immediately and all will go well.” How do you feel about this?
- How do you decide what should be taught in your class?
- Tell me about a lesson you use that integrates one or more standards.
- What is your philosophy of classroom management?
- Tell me about a lesson you use that utilizes reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
- What would we see if we were to observe you at work in your classroom?
- What are some ways you’ve thought of to reduce plagiarism?
- What intervention strategies do you use as a teacher at the classroom level for students who are not having success?
- Discuss your general philosophies related to grading, assignments, types of assessments, extra credit, etc.
- What are your experiences working with Curriculum Cycles, designing curriculum and leadership roles related to designing and implementing a new/revised curriculum?
- How do we overcome obstacles or barriers to learning?
- What do you believe is the best strategy or tool for coaching students?
- Tell me how you enforce a productive class environment.
- Describe some reading strategies you’ve implemented to work with functional readers with very low comprehension, written, and work skills.
- What procedures do you use to evaluate student progress besides using tests?
- How do you assess what a student with behavioral issues needs to be successful? Describe methods, strategies, or interventions you have implemented with a student with serious behavioral issues.
- Are you comfortable with online grading software?
- What kind of student data do you use to inform your planning and instruction?
Content knowledge
- Why did you choose to study your subject area?
- Describe the three most important concepts in your subject matter that students must understand to become successful.
- What are the current trends in curriculum in your teaching area?
- Describe your preparation and study in your subject matter.
- What is the most exciting thing happening in your field of study?
- What is your favorite concept in your subject area to teach?
- What was your favorite course in college?
- What was your most difficult course in college?
- What areas of your subject are you uncomfortable teaching?
Professionalism and motivation
- Why did you choose to become a teacher? What do you hope to accomplish?
- What does it mean to be a professional educator?
- Describe characteristics of the best/worst teacher you have known.
- What is the correct professional dress and demeanor for a classroom teacher?
- What are your three most important reasons for wanting to be a teacher?
- What are your professional aspirations in the next five years/ten years?
- What are your thoughts on being a role model and its importance in the classroom?
- What has been your most positive teaching experience? Negative?
- What do you think will provide you the greatest pleasure in teaching?
- Tell us about the three people who have most influenced your own education and educational career.
- What is the position(s) for which you are applying?
- What do you know about our school?
- What activities would you like to work with at our school?
- What community activities would you like to be associated with? Why?
- Please describe your education, training, experiences, and accomplishments to help us better understand your qualifications for these positions.
- How do you anticipate working at this school will be different from your previous experience?
- Why are you the best candidate for this position?
- What sets you apart from other applicants?
- What needs and/or expectations do you have of the school administration?
- How do you deal with fast-paced, high intensity, high expectation job settings? What experiences will help in preparing you for a demanding situation?
- Discuss the ideal teaching situation for you. What type of students are you teaching, what courses, what resources are available to you, what level of students, etc.? What teaching situations do you do your best work?
- Please identify our school's guiding principles or mission that “jump off the page” for you. How would you bring those ideals to life?
- If you were offered this position, what would be the first thing you would do to prepare?
- If you were asked to do more than your job description required, how would you respond?
- What do you know about state and national standards?
- Do you see any value in being involved in your state’s association?
- If you were offered and accepted the position here, what changes would you make immediately and what would you want to change down the road?
- Describe your organizational skills. How would you stay organized with planning, correcting, and parent/teacher communications about academic and behavioral issues?
Behavioral-based interview (situational) questions
- If you had given students 15-20 minutes after your lesson discussion to do their homework and a student puts his head down on his desk, what would you do or say?
- You have a special needs student with ADHD in your classroom, she is repeatedly disruptive – talking to those around her, getting up to sharpen her pencil a couple times during the class period, and making comments such as, “This is stupid.
- Who needs to know this stuff anyway?” What would you do?
- A paper was due at the end of a two-week unit. Johnny didn’t meet the deadline. He tells his parents that he did not have enough time to finish it. His mother is a school board member. What would you say or do?
- If you told a student (who was disruptive) to go to the office and she refused, what would you do?
- A student is doing poorly in your class. You talk with her, and the student tells you that she considers you the poorest teacher she has ever met. What would you do?
- You give an assignment. A student ridicules the assignment, saying it doesn’t make sense. What would you do?
- If you see a 180-degree turn in a student, what would you do?
- A parent comes to you and complains that what you are teaching his/her child is irrelevant to the child’s needs. How would you respond?
- How would you initiate a discussion with a student who has not completed their work for two days in a row?
Additional topics and background information
- What personal attributes do you possess which will enable you to be a positive role model for students?
- What are your plans for continuing your professional growth?
- Tell me about an interesting article you have read recently in a professional journal.
- What current trends in public education please you? Displease you?
- Discuss your experience in leadership positions and how you can best add to the leadership here?
- “The fundamental purpose of school is learning, not teaching.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
- To whom would you go if you weren’t sure how to handle a situation?
- Are you interested in coaching?
- If you were coaching, how would you handle a student who does something unsportsmanlike?
- Project yourself five years into the future and place yourself into your vision of what this learning environment will look like?
- Please respond briefly to the following: All children can learn; Multiple Intelligences; Site- based management; Inclusion; Cooperative Learning.
Unique questions
- If you could pick a famous person to interview, who would you pick and why?
- If you could be one color of the rainbow, which color would it be and why?
Questions to ask at the interview
Select two or three.
- What would staff, students, and parents say are the strengths of the school?
- How does the school support professional development?
- Do you have an induction program?
- How do teachers integrate technology into the classroom?
- Describe parental involvement within the school?
- What is the school policy or philosophy on inclusion?
- What extracurricular activity opportunities might be available?
- Are there any aspects of my background or qualifications that are unclear or need further explanation? If so, I’d be happy to clarify them for you.
- What is the next step in the hiring process? When do you hope to make a decision?
- What technology resources are available for myself to use and for the (insert grade level or subject area)?
- What is the school policy or philosophy on inclusion?
- Are there duties outside the classroom that are expected of teachers?
- How receptive are you of changes to the curriculum? What is the process?
- What is the next step in the hiring process or when do you hope to make a decision?
- Questions to ask after the job offer
- Tell me about your health insurance plan(s).
- Tell me about your retirement package.
- Tell me about the salary scale.
Increase your marketability
The job market for teachers is competitive, so consider the following options to increase your marketability in the field.
Add another teaching license
- Special Education
- Bilingual Education
- Science
- Math
- Technology
Learn another language
- Spanish
- Japanese
- Chinese
Look at other educational venues
- before/after school programs
- boys and girls clubs
- charter schools
- child development centers
- coaching
- community education (AME, GED, ESL, specialized programs)
- corporate education centers (daycare, ESL)
- home schooling groups
- instructional/program aide positions
- nanny services
- parochial schools
- private schools/boarding schools
- substitute teaching
- teaching on a military base
- tutoring
- university extension service - research based teaching in the community
Expand geographic boundaries
- Commute to a rural area with a greater need for teachers
- Explore other states; contact the state's Department of Education to see how your Minnesota license transfers.
- Seek out options abroad
Work on an additional advanced degree
- Reading specialist
- Speech pathologist
Stay involved
- Volunteer in schools
- Assist in classrooms
- Help with special programs (fun fairs, plays, musicals…)
- Work athletic events
- Tutor or help with enrichment programs
- Attend school board meetings (keep up-to-date and show interest)
- Ask how you can be of service!
Teaching out of state
As you explore teaching opportunities out of state, here are some tips to ease the transition.
Teacher job search tips
- Determine your specific geographic region(s)/state(s).
- Review CEHD’s Applying for Teacher Licensure web page and click on “License Outside of Minnesota.”
- Find your chosen state(s) Department of Education website.
- Learn how to obtain an out of state teaching license for that state (each state's requirements differ).
- What is the process for transferring my certification to this state?
- What documentation is required?
- How long will the process take?
- Find maps with listings of the schools in that area – public, charter, and private.
- Learn how to obtain an out of state teaching license for that state (each state's requirements differ).
- Once you select your school(s)/district(s), use their website to research.
- Demographics
- The school “report card”
- School improvement plans
- Click on “For Parents” section in addition to “For Educator” section, as this section can often provide more detailed information.
- Review national job search sites for educators.
- Network to connect with educators in your chosen state(s).
- Set up informational interviews to learn more about employment in that area.
- Attend the Minnesota Education Job Fair. Many out-of-state school districts attend this local career fair.
- Search for regional job fairs in your chosen area.
- Apply!
CEHD education panel 2023 teacher experience
The annual Education Panel provides an overview of the teaching job search process, how to stand out at networking events and interviews, tips for first year of teaching, and more! Check out this video from the December 2023 panel.
*Tip: Listen to the audio during your down time or travel time.
CEHD education panel 2023 organization information portion
This portion of the panel focuses on organization overview of Education Minnesota, the support of unions, and employer insight on the job search.
Alternative careers in education
The job market for teachers is competitive, so it's important to consider all your options. Students completing the initial licensure program through the College of Education and Human Development acquire many transferable skills which can be used in a variety of settings. Listed below is a sampling of job titles from various industry areas which utilize these skills.
Business and industry
- account executive
- community affairs director
- compensation analyst
- customer service representative
- diversity and talent manager
- educational writer
- employee assistance plan specialist
- employee assistance program coordinator
- employee relations representative
- employee training instructor
- equal opportunity representative
- fundraiser
- grant writer
- human resource generalist
- job development specialist
- management trainee
- marketing communications coordinator
- program administrator
- program designer
- program developer
- promotion representative
- public relations representative
- recruiter
- sales representative
- training and development specialist
- volunteer coordinator
- communication specialist
- education and training technician
- education program specialist
- human resource specialist
- international trade specialist
- program analyst
- program manager
- public affairs specialist
- technical writer
Higher education
- academic advisor
- admissions counselor
- admissions recruiter
- alumni events promotion manager
- assistant director of alumni relations
- career counselor
- child care center training specialist
- communication specialist
- coordinator of community engagement
- coordinator of development
- coordinator of student activities
- coordinator of student conduct
- enrollment specialist
- financial aid counselor
- fraternity and sorority life director
- gifts officer
- human resources consultant
- learning skills specialist
- media specialist
- orientation coordinator
- recreational sports youth and community director
- residential life coordinator
- stewardship manager
K-12 (jobs which do not require a teaching license)
- instructional coordinator
- paraprofessional
- special education aide
- special education instructional assistant
- copy editor
- webinar presenter
- publishing sales representative
- writer
- instructor
- life coach
- sales manager
- trainer
- youth activity program director
Social services/non-profit
- after school activities coordinator
- assistant program coordinator
- chemical dependency counselor
- child and protective services worker
- child care coordinator/director
- child life specialist
- community program coordinator
- disability specialist
- educational coordinator
- elder services administrator
- environmental educator
- event coordinator
- family advocate
- financial counselor
- foster care or adoption counselor
- fundraiser
- grant writer
- juvenile corrections worker
- legislative aid
- lobbyist nonprofit fundraiser
- multicultural liaison
- outreach coordinator
- program director/administrator
- program evaluator
- residential counselor
- teen center director
- volunteer coordinator
- welfare counselor
- youth program coordinator
Additional opportunities
- camp counselor
- camp director
- program assistant
- education program coordinator
- education training specialist
- exhibit designer
- management specialist
- playologist
- tour guide
- biological science technician
- education program specialist
- facility coordinator
- historic preservationist
- park guide
- park manager
- park ranger
- program manager
- public information specialist
- recreation youth program specialist
- resource manager
- visitor assistant
- guest services manager
- internship coordinator
- special events coordinator
- volunteer coordinator
- wildlife education/keeper
- zoo educator