Education and Human Development


90 of 93 results

Job search strategies

You will have several jobs in your lifetime. Some jobs might be just for the paycheck. Other jobs are an important part of your career journey. Landing a great internship is also important to your career journey. Either way, the search process starts before you click that first “apply” button.

Job offers

Congratulations on receiving an employment offer! This is a big life decision and it is essential to evaluate the full offer package, not just the salary, to ensure it aligns with your goals, values, and needs.

Hiring processes

Navigating the job market involves understanding that different types of employers have distinct processes for recruiting, evaluating and hiring new employees. Whether you're applying to a large corporation, a small startup, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency, knowing how they hire can help you tailor your job search strategy and increase your chances of success.

Portfolios and work samples

A professional portfolio highlights a collection of your best professional and academic work, providing documentation of your skills, experience and training. Portfolios are a great way for job seekers in all career fields to stand out.

Curriculum vitae (CV)

In the United States, a curriculum vita, often called a CV or vita, is used when applying for academic and research positions, fellowships, and grants.