Education and Human Development

Denise Felder

  • Pronouns: she, her

  • Associate Director

Denise Felder

Education and credentials:

  • Masters in Community Psychology from Metropolitan State University
  • Bachelor's in Journalism and a minor in African American Studies from Boston University
  • Equity and Diversity Certificate (ECHO) from University of Minnesota’s Office of Equity and Diversity
  • Certified Offender Job Retention for Correctional Professionals from National Institute of Corrections
  • Certified Poverty Awareness Coach from Communications Across Barriers


Connectedness | Learner | Strategic | Input | Achiever

Other indicators:

  • Strong Interests (RIASEC): Investigative, Social, Artistic
  • Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Favorite book or TV show or movie or podcast:
"Hot Fuzz," "Star Trek" (2009 movie), "The Wiz" (all versions), "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (TV show not the movie)

I’m passionate about:
Encouraging Everyday People make informed decisions that impact their lives and communities.

What makes me smile:
Otters, puppies, baby elephants and alpacas

If I had $10 million:
I’d set up multiple scholarships and grants so everyone who wanted a degree or workforce credential could afford to continue their education and have enjoyable and economically viable work lives. I’d also buy a few houses for my family and me to live close to each other. Then I’d travel the world, starting with several African countries.

Inspirational quote or motto:
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” - Arthur Ashe ·