Education and Human Development

Katie Niznik

  • Pronouns: she, her

  • Career Coach

Katie Niznik

Education and credentials:

  • Bachelors in Marketing and Human Resources from Dordt University
  • Masters in Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (Higher Ed track) from the University of Minnesota


Achiever | Learner | Developer | Futuristic | Individualization

Other indicators:

  • Enneagram 3
  • Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Interests and hobbies:
Crafting, board games, planning themed house parties, hiking, thrifting

Favorite movies:
“Storks,” “Little Women” (1994 version), “Miss Congeniality,” “Rookie of the Year,” any of the Harry Potters

Favorite food:
Buffalo wings or ice cream

Dream Job:
Nail Polish Color Namer

What’s important to me:
My family (including my Corgi/Australian Shepherd Mix, Beau)

I’m passionate about:
Being a life-long learner. I am always picking up new hobbies or taking classes or attending webinars. I love learning new things and exploring new places.

What scares me:
I will not watch a scary movie. I even cover my ears during the scary movie trailers in the movie theater. The last scary movie I watched was “When a Stranger Calls” in middle school and it was traumatic enough to not watch one since. My fear of ticks is a close second.

Fun fact:
The first word I could spell was “Minnesota” because my dad taught me the University of Minnesota rouser when I was two years old.

Inspirational quote or motto:
“Sometimes you gotta work a little so you can ball a lot.” -Tom Haverford, “Parks and Recreation”