Kyle Nickodem
Director, Research Methodology Consulting Center
Research Methodology Consulting Center
140 Wulling Hall
86 Pleasant St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0221 -

Areas of interest
Educational and psychological measurement
Study design for causal inferencing
Tools for promoting reproducible research
Positive youth development
PhD, Quantitative Methods in Education, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
BA, Psychology, University of Notre Dame
As a research methodologist whose expertise is in quantitative methods, my goal is to continuously improve the methodological rigor of education research so decisions based on findings can be made with confidence. Accomplishing this goal takes a variety of forms.
One form is developing tools, including R packages and resource guides, to assist researchers when creating or evaluating educational and psychological assessments. High-quality study design and analytic plans can be undermined in the presence of poor measurement.
Another aspect is providing consultations to faculty, staff, and graduate students on topics ranging from study design (e.g., randomization, propensity scores) and data analysis approaches (e.g., multilevel and longitudinal modeling) to reproducibility through project documentation and statistical programming. I also collaborate with research labs, school districts, and educational organizations to assist with organizing data collection, management, and analysis systems to efficiently transform raw data into information tailored for specific audiences and purposes.
A final aspect is participation on grant proposals and subsequently funded research projects. Most of these projects have centered on promoting positive youth development in educational settings both in the United States and internationally. I am also an investigator with the Minnesota Youth Development Research Group.
R Packages
Nickodem, K., Halpin, P. F., & Abulela, M. A. A. (Under development). DIFreport: Conduct DIF analyses, examine impact on treatment effects, and generate reports [R Package].
Nickodem, K. & Halpin, P. F. (2022). kfa: K-fold cross-validation for factor analysis [R Package].
Brown, E., Zieffler, A., Nickodem, K., Vue, K., Anderson, E., & Sandidge, R. (2016). QME: Classical test theory item analysis [R package].
Fike, K. J. & Nickodem, K. (Under Review). Differential item functioning in racial discrimination and altruism scales among Black adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry.
Gao, Y., Nickodem, K., Wang X., & Espelage, D. L. (Under Review). Validation of attitudes toward women scale for adolescents (AWSA) in Chinese secondary school students: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and demographic correlates. Sex Roles.
Fike, K., Mattis, J., Nickodem, K., & Guillaume, C. (2023). Black adolescent altruism: Exploring the role of racial discrimination and empathy. Children and Youth Services Review. doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106990
Espelage, D. L., Rose, C., Nickodem, K., Robinson, L., El Sheikh, A., Hanebutt, R., …, Poekert, P. (2023). Pilot evaluation of disability anti-bullying (DIAL) training for elementary special and general education teachers: Impact on teacher self-efficacy, attitudes toward bullying, and student outcomes. International Journal of Bully Prevention. doi:10.1007/s42380-023-00168-8
Espelage, D. L., Kuehl, T., Wyman, P., Nickodem, K., Valido, A., Mintz, S., Robinson, L. E., Merrin, G. J., Schmeelk-Cone, K., LoMurray, S., Ingram, K. M., Rulison, K., Hoagland, K., & Woolweaver, A. (2023). An RCT of sources of strength high school primary prevention program on sexual violence perpetration and victimization and dismissiveness of sexual harassment. School Psychology Review. doi:10.1080/2372966X.2022.2164460
Nickodem, K. K., Basile, K. C., Espelage, D. L., Leemis, R. W., Ingram, K. M., & Barbero, C. (2023). Sports participation, social networks, and sexual violence perpetration. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1–2), NP1690–NP1717. doi:10.1177/08862605221092067
Cooper, D. K., & Nickodem, K. (2021). Cumulative lifetime adversity in a national sample of Hispanic/Latino immigrants: Exploring construct validity across six Hispanic/Latino groups using data from the HCHS/SOL Sociocultural Ancillary Study. Evaluation & the Health Professions, 44(4), 348-361. doi:10.1177/0163278720910470
Terrell, C. R., Nickodem, K., Bates, A., Kersten, C., Mernitz, H. (2021). Game-based activities targeting visual literacy skills to increase understanding of biomolecule structure and function concepts in undergraduate biochemistry. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 49(1), 94-107. doi:10.1002/bmb.21398
Davenport, E. C., Nickodem, K., Davison, M., Phillips, G., & Graham, E. (2020). The relative performance index: Neutralizing Simpson’s paradox. The American Statistician, 74(2), 116 - 124.
Xiong, Z. B., Nickodem, K., St. Charles, J., Lee, S-K., Braughton, J., Vue, C., & Lo, N. (2019). Influence of perceived parental involvement on Hmong children’s academic performance. Hmong Studies Journal, 20, 1-39.
Nickodem, K., & Rodriguez, M. C. (2018). Criterion-referenced interpretation. In B. B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
Metzger, K. J., Montplaisir, D., Haines, D., & Nickodem, K. (2018). Investigating undergraduate health sciences students’ acceptance of evolution using MATE and GAENE. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 11(10), 1-18.
Dong, N., Kelcey, B., Spybrook, J. K., & Nickodem, K. (2024, April). Statistical power for moderation in three-level multisite individual randomized trials. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Nickodem, K., Halpin, P. F., & Tubbs Dolan, C. (2023, April). K-fold cross validation for factor analysis. [Paper presentation]. National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting, Chicago IL.
Nickodem, K., Rodriguez, M. C., Lamm, R., & Park, K. (2019, April). Social-emotional learning ICCs and associations with school composition and achievement. [Paper presentation] National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting, Toronto, ON.
Rodriguez, M. C. & Nickodem, K. (2018, April). Comprehensive partitioning of student achievement variance to inform equitable policy design. [Paper presentation] National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting, New York, NY.
Nickodem, K., Wang, Q., Davenport, E. C., Culpepper, S. (2015, August). Using geometry to visualize abstract aspects of statistical formulae relevant to correlation and regression. [Paper presentation] American Statistical Association’s annual Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA.