McNair Scholar 2017 - Laura Dédé d’Almeida
Laura Dédé d’Almeida is a senior at the University of Minnesota. She is majoring in Global Studies, with emphasis on Global Cultural Analysis, Latin America. She is also pursuing minors in French and Spanish Studies. Her research interests revolve around understanding different aspects of the development of education and of international education. Laura plans on getting her masters in Comparative International Development Education.
Quote from Laura Dédé d’Almeida
My dream is to inspire and empower the generation to come through the development of better measures of education measurement and through diversifying education.
Research project
Learning and Empowerment: A Social Network Analysis of Fellowship Participants
Abstract: This study examines learning and empowerment networks for fellows in a professional development program. For this study, we define empowerment as the process of becoming a leader amongst others through developing skills in a network of (di)similar individuals. Looking at empowerment through this lens, this study aimed determined if networks formed between fellows were a crucial determinant of their empowerment development. To shed light on this question, an eight-question survey was administered to the Fellows. Using social network analysis, answers to the survey questions were recorded on a sociogram to represent the ties and connections between the Fellows. Preliminary results indicate that Fellows perceived learning and empowerment to come more often from program staff and community leaders than each other. However, certain Fellows appeared to be central to the learning and empowerment of others.
Faculty mentor
Dr. Christopher Johnstone is a senior at the University of Minnesota. She is majoring in Global Studies, with emphasis on Global Cultural Analysis, Latin America. She is also pursuing minors in French and Spanish Studies. Her research interests revolve around understanding different aspects of the development of education and of international education. Laura plans on getting her masters in Comparative International Development Education.