McNair Scholar 2024 - Laichia Vang
Laichia Vang is a senior at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, studying Political Science, Sociology, and Racial Justice in Urban Schooling. Their research interests are youth leadership and activism, critical youth work, education justice, critical pedagogy, and community-engaged work. They plan to pursue a Ph.D. along the intersections of education, social justice, and youth.
Quote from Laichia Vang
I dream of collaborating with young people to ignite their imaginations, challenge conventions, and transform education, extracurricular activities, and our communities. Together, we will innovate, dream, and scheme so youth can thrive and shape their future and that of their communities.
Research project
From Participants to Leaders: Unpacking the Journey of Youth Leaders in an Out-of-School Program
What are young people’s experiences and feelings towards leadership roles in an out-of-school activity? This ethnographic study involves youth leaders and facilitators known as Emerging Professionals and Program Directors at a youth arts non-profit organization based in the Midwestern United States. Using ethnographic observations, interviews, and archival analysis, this study reveals who these youth leaders are, their roles, impacts on personal and professional development, and what adults can do to cultivate and support youth leadership. Leadership is a critical component to the roles and responsibilities of Emerging Professionals and Program Directors, yet they experience ambivalence about identifying oneself as a leader. Thus, this research holds the potential to transform the way youth workers, educators, and organizations approach youth engagement and leadership development in various settings.
Faculty mentor
Dr. Teresa Swartz is a Professor in the Sociology Department at the University of Minnesota. In 2001, Dr. Swartz received her Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of California, San Diego. Her current research focuses on families, intergenerational relations, social inequality, Asian American studies, well-being, and youth and young adulthood. Her work is published in two books, and appears in numerous journals including the Annual Review of Sociology, Gender & Society, Race and Social Problems, Journal of Marriage and Family, and international conferences. Dr. Swartz is a returning McNair faculty mentor for over 10 years.