Education and Human Development

McNair Scholar 2024 - Savanna Conzemius

Savanna Conzemius is a senior at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities majoring in Family Social Science with a double concentration in Family Therapy and Family and Community Engagement. Her research interests include adverse childhood experiences and family structures. Ms. Conzemius plans to pursue a Master of Social Work.

Quote from Savanna Conzemius

Baraa Al-Jasim

My dream is to work as a licensed clinical social worker and teach parenting classes. I want to help those who experienced mistreatment heal and prevent future generational cycles of mistreatment.

Savanna Conzemius

Research project

Parenting with Adverse Childhood Experiences


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction are common, with 63.9% of people reporting at least one ACE. Parents with their own maltreatment are at greater risk for mistreating their children, negative parental self-image, increased parenting challenges, and aggressive behavior toward their children. This mixed methods study examines the influence parents' traumatic childhood experiences have on their parenting behaviors and family functioning. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews with trained professionals. Five quantitative measures collected data about the participants' PTSD symptomology (Primary Care-PTSD), parenting behaviors/practices (Parenting Assessment of Protective Factors), childhood experiences (Benevolent Childhood Experiences and Adverse Childhood Experiences), as well as family functioning (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Scale IV). Results provide a greater nuanced understanding of the influence trauma has on parenting to develop a better parenting intervention—final results and publication pending Spring 2025.

Faculty mentor

Dr. Armeda Stevenson Wojciak is an associate professor and program director of the Couple and Family Therapy program at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Wojciak’s research and clinical work examines ways to improve outcomes for children and families with adverse childhood experiences. Dr. Wojciak focuses on creating interventions that impact important familial relationships, such as the sibling relationship and the parent-child relationship. This current project will help inform a new parent training program.