Education and Human Development

Kaity Sharp

  • Career Coach Intern

  • 360 Education Sciences Building
    56 East River Road
    Minneapolis, MN 55455


Areas of interest

  • Intersections between mental health and career counseling
  • Addressing systemic barriers to college/career success
  •  Crafting distinct narratives in resumes and cover letters
  •  Identifying personal and professional values, interests, and strengths
  • Managing anxiety and stress around career development
  •  Exploring financial aid resources to further career and educational opportunities
  • MA (in progress) in Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota, College of Education and
    Human Development
  • BA in English Literature, Central College

From elementary through high school, I always loved my literature classes and disliked math. So when I got to college, majoring in English felt like the obvious choice. I pictured myself teaching, writing books, or working in communications–anything where I got to use some creativity and tell stories. Today, I work in a financial aid office (with numbers)! When only considering my major, it’s hard to understand how I got here, however, I had many formative experiences outside of the classroom that influenced my path.

I am interested in “planned happenstance” when it comes to career development, or the idea that experiences and chance opportunities can shape the next steps we take. Although I never planned to work in financial aid, my first job after undergrad inspired me to dive deeper into this piece of college access work. I also realized how much I enjoy working in a higher ed setting, and now I’m pursuing a Master’s in Counselor Education to learn about holistic student support. I’m grateful to intern in CEHD Career Services this year and excited to collaborate with students on their own career journeys!

Myers-Briggs: INFP

Enneagram: 4

Strong Interest Inventory:
Artistic | Social | Conventional

I’m passionate about: explaining current memes/online trends to my partner; the history of Taylor Swift.

Outside of work you can find me: Playing Nintendo Switch, eating spicy food, visiting the MN Landscape Arboretum, and telling my friends how much I love them. 

Schedule an appointment with Kaity