Education and Human Development

Tina Zillhart

  • Pronouns: she, her

  • Employer Relations Coordinator

Tina Zillhart

Education and credentials: 
Undergraduate degree in History and Political Science, with a Masters in Organizational Leadership, Policy and Development with a concentration in higher education.


Context, Connectedness, Intellection, Analytical, Input

Other indicators:
Hogwarts House: A proud Slytherin 

Interests and hobbies: 
Love to go hiking with my dog, all times of the year (especially in winter!); Spending quality time with family and friends.

Favorite book or TV show or movie or podcast: 
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" (very specifically the first movie; the rest of the trilogy is great but the first holds a special place in my heart).

Favorite food: 
Juicy Lucy

What’s important to me: 
My family, friends and community

What motivates me: 
Being the best person I can be for my family, friends and community

I’m passionate about: 
Social justice and advocacy for the needs of students

What makes me smile: 
The beauty of nature, the laugh of those I love, when my dog is acting silly, and a good meme!

If I had $10 million: 
I would pay off the debt of those I love; then, go on a world traveling adventure!

Inspirational quote or motto: 
“There is good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.” -Samwise Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers