Touchdown Workspace users share experiences
CEHD has a Touchdown Workspace (TDWS) Program that has been operational for four months. It provides 14 TDWSs across campus in CEHD spaces for CEHD employees who work 0 to 2 days on campus or who are away from their home campus and need a place to work while on campus. TDWSs are intended to be simple to schedule and use. To get a sense of how well these spaces are performing for its users, six TDWS users were asked to share their experience. Five questions were asked:
Question 1: How did you hear about the program?
- Five of six of the respondents indicated that they heard about the program via “word of mouth"
- The sixth indicated that they read about the program in the Burton Brief
These responses show that more widespread TDWS program advertising and socializing is needed. More to come!
Question 2: How often have you used CEHD TDWSs?
- Respondents use CEHD TDWSs an average of two times per week
Question 3: TDWSs are intended to be simple to reserve. Have you found that to be true?
- Five of six indicated that reserving a TDWS has been simple
- For the respondent who didn’t find reserving a TDWS to be simple, the sticking point was remembering the scheduling steps between uses
In the coming weeks, short mini-tutorial videos will be created, and links will be placed on the TDWS website.
Question 4: Is accessing a TDWS simple?
- All respondents indicated that accessing TDWSs is quite simple. Some would like them to be open later into the evening
Because TDWS hours are aligned with their host building hours or key access for some, there is less flexibility to expand open hours
Question 5: Will you use TDWSs again when you come to campus?
- All respondents indicated that they would use TDWSs as needed when they come to campus
If you are a CEHD employee and work 0 to 2 days on campus or are working away from your home campus and need a place to work when you are on campus, check out one of the CEHD Touchdown Workspaces (TDWS)! To find more information about them, go to: