Education and Human Development

Our research and expertise

We advance research, teaching, and community engagement to increase opportunities for all individuals to have a successful start in life and to foster healthy human development, and will provide programs that meet the demands of the 21st century.

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Engineering Education

Training educators in mechanical engineering, construction science, computer science, and electrical engineering.


Examining morality and choices in cultures, relationships, educational systems, and organizations.

Executive Function

Cognitive skills that help a person focus attention, remember details, solve problems, and make plans.


Examining the work and roles of academic staff in higher education, including professors, lecturers, and researchers.

Family Education

Designing, delivering, and evaluating education and support programs for children and families.

Family Systems

Understanding the psychology and functioning of people in the context of their family relationships.

Family Violence

Researching cycles of violence in families and relationships, and educating individuals on breaking cycles of abuse.

Gender and Sexuality

Exploring how gender identity and sexuality relate to experiences in education, relationships, human development, and society.


Researching physical, mental, and emotional well-being in development, learning, and culture.


Investigating how people access and experience medical services.

Higher Education

Exploring experiences, practices, and decisions in post-secondary education amid sociopolitical contexts in which it exists.


How regular, safe, secure, and adequate housing—or the lack thereof—affects individuals and communities.

Human Resource Development

Applying research and best practices in education, policy, and leadership to organizational human resources.


Examining educational, social, and cultural aspects of human migration to other countries.

Inclusive Education

Bringing people with and without learning disabilities into the same classes and educational systems.

Instructional Design

Analyzing learner's needs, then developing and designing lessons, methods, and materials to meet them.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Studying the unique challenges associated with impairments in cognitive processes in intellectual development.

International Education

Studying education’s role in economic, political, and sociocultural development.

Intervention Science

Developing, testing, and sharing family/community screenings, treatments, and prevention models for vulnerable groups across lifespans.

Intimate Relationships

Exploring and understanding close relationships that have strong emotional connections of belonging, care, and love.

Language and Culture Education

Studying the connections between languages and cultures and how those connections impact intellectual development.

Language Development

Investigating how language development and acquisition impact learning and growth.


Analyzing and developing frameworks of leadership, leading to personal and organizational advancement.

Learning Disabilities

A disorder in one or more neurologically based processing systems that affects learning.

Learning Technologies

Creating and adapting technology—both theory and tools—to enhance learning.

Loss and Trauma

Studying trauma and loss impacts on individuals, relationships, communities, and developing support for understanding and healing.

Math Education

Preparing educators to teach mathematics, and investigating new theories and methods in math education.

Mental Health

Incorporating research and practice concerning mental well-being into understanding development, relationships, and education.

Motor Development

Investigating the development and abilities surrounding body movement.

Movement Science

Researching human movement control via psychological, biomechanical, and neurophysiological approaches.