Our research and expertise
We advance research, teaching, and community engagement to increase opportunities for all individuals to have a successful start in life and to foster healthy human development, and will provide programs that meet the demands of the 21st century.
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Specific Cultures (Native American)
Understanding and collaborating with people who have heritage in the Native and Indigenous communities.
Specific Cultures (Southeast Asian)
Understanding and collaborating with people who have heritage in communities connected to Southeast Asia.
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Supporting athlete mental health and researching the psychological effects of participation in sports and exercise.
Statistics Education
Preparing educators to teach statistics, involving the collection, analysis, understanding, and presentation of data.
STEM Integration
Increasing student exposure to and integration of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields in the classroom.
Student Achievement
Researching theory and methods for assessing how students progress in learning.
Student Development
Exploring post-secondary student learning by addressing individual learning needs, student responsibility, and environments.
Student Engagement
Understanding and promoting meaningful participation and involvement of students in their schools and learning environments.
Substance Abuse
Researching the effects of drug abuse, dependency, addiction, and recovery on individuals, families, and organizations.
Systems Change
Studying initiators, motives, timing, and outcomes of institutional and cultural change efforts.
Teacher Education
Researching and developing the best methods for preparing current and future educators.
Urban Environments
Investigating the impacts of life and conditions in cities and towns on development, relationships, and education.
Workforce Development
Studying and developing methods for environmental and structural changes that meet worker needs and promote equity.